Tuesday, June 27, 2006

People crazier than I am

One response I get when folks find out what I'm up to is the whole "you're crazy" routine. I ran into some folks from Wisconsin in Mack's Inn, right off a 95 mile day, and it turned out they had been riding four wheelers on some of the same stuff I'd been riding on. So when they heard 95 miles on that, it blew their minds.

But anyway, the truth is no matter how nuts you are there is always somebody crazier. In this case, it's the great divide racers (link here). I've run into four of these guys so far (I think the only four left in it, although they started with 8). One guy is trying to break the record of 16 days, and as of yesterday had done over 500 miles since Friday at noon. Two other guys are riding fixed gear bikes, which is a delicious form of self-inflicted punishment. Trying to do 100 miles a day of this stuff is rough. Trying to do 100 miles a day with only one gear is absolutely stark raving madness.


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Tuesday, September 05, 2006 4:00:00 PM  

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